Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Confession and a Testimony

Dear Sisters,
I have a confession to make.  It’s been weighing on me…  So I issued a challenge last year to read the Book of Mormon, and it got so busy for me with the holidays and sick bugs etc., that I JUST now finished the Book of Mormon.  Shame on me for not practicing what I preach! :)  I know I’m a little late here, but I guess this is just real life. Be patient with me. ;) 

I just wanted to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon.  I LOVE that book!  I know it’s true!  I have prayed about its truthfulness when I have finished it before, but this time, I just knelt and wept with gratitude for that beautiful book.  I just told Heavenly Father that I know it’s true.  I feel it every time I open it. 

That last chapter is particularly beautiful- read it in you have a moment. (Moroni 10)  It covers everything from spiritual gifts to coming unto Christ.  Moroni really packed in the doctrine there, and he seems so real to me.  I can just picture this lonely man, compiling records, while observing the devastating destruction of his people who dwindled in wickedness and unbelief.  On the other hand, a spiritual giant, walking and talking with the Lord, and weighing every word he wrote, hoping it would mean something to us and change our hearts today. 

I have received such an outpouring of knowledge and guidance as I have read the Book of Mormon this last year.  I have found great comfort in “likening” the scriptures to my life.  I am so grateful for the prophets who took so much time to chisel and painstakingly record their prophesies, revelations, and histories that are amazingly applicable today.  They knew our time, and Heavenly Father knew that we would need that record and the second witness of the Savior in order to overcome the obstacles of these last days.  I am SO thankful for the peace, guidance, and direction the Book of Mormon has given to my life.  I have no doubt that it is true and good.  I continue to urge each of you to keep reading and studying the Book of Mormon.  It will bring light and truth to your life that you can't find in any other place!


Monday, January 18, 2016

Preparing Drop by Drop

Dear Sisters,
A few years back, when I lived in Moscow, Idaho, we had to travel about 2 hours to get to the Spokane, Washington Temple.  

It took a lot of planning, scheduling, and coordinating.  We would usually try to find a couple to trade with us, while we switched off watching kids and attending sessions.  We had to pack food, schedule a room in the church next door so we had a “home-base”, and prepare for naps.  Basically, it was an all day affair, but it was always such a spiritual feast when we did make the sacrifice to attend.  Aren’t we blessed to have a temple so close?!

As I was thinking back on those times, I remembered one time that was pretty unforgettable for me.  I had worked very hard to coordinate a temple trip with eight other couples.  It took a lot of planning and effort, and during the last couple minutes of the drive, I stressfully checked my bag, pulling out my temple recommend, only to find that it had expired 3 days prior.  I was crushed!  I felt like I had worked hard to get there, and now I had come all that way, and wouldn’t be able to go.  I spent the day tending children, and I was glad I could help the other couples, but I also felt a little sorry for myself.  
As I watched these couples, and my own husband enter the temple doors, I was reminded of the parable of the ten virgins found in Matthew 25.  Maybe it was a little dramatic to think of it like that, but I really felt like I was being shut out and left behind.

I think it is interesting that in this parable, it makes it clear that all of the virgins remembered to bring their lamps, even the five foolish virgins; however, they “took no oil with them.”  And when they were told that the bridegroom was coming, even those foolish virgins trimmed their lamps to prepare.  It was just in that last crucial moment that they realized they hadn’t prepared enough and had no oil for their lamps.

I’m sure you are familiar with the rest of the parable.  While they were rushing to buy oil, the bridegroom came.  Those that were ready, went with him and “the door was shut.”  And when the foolish virgins tried to enter, he said, “I know you not.”

My experience at the temple, reminded me that I needed to prepare myself spiritually as well as temporally for attending the temple, and especially for the Savior’s coming.  I don’t ever want to be cut off, shut out, or left behind.  I committed that I would never let my recommend expire again, and I am blessed every day that I try to serve, keep my covenants, and study the gospel to add oil to my lamp. 

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

Just as we are reminded in that scripture, we don’t know when the Savior will come again, but it may not be far off.  The simple, kind, good things we do add oil to our lamps and prepare us for the second coming, and for attending the temple, His Holy House. 

“Attendance at sacrament meetings adds oil to our lamps, drop by drop over the years. Fasting, family prayer, home teaching, control of bodily appetites, preaching the gospel, studying the scriptures—each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, marriage in the covenant for eternity—these, too, contribute importantly to the oil with which we can at midnight refuel our exhausted lamps.”
President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985), Faith Precedes the Miracle(1972), 256.

Sisters, add some oil to your lamps this week!  I love you!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

Dear Sisters,
I hope you are having a good week!  It’s so cold and a bit dreary, but have you noticed the spectacular sunrises and sunsets?!  Those mountains are so easy to fall in love with!

I have always loved the song, “Jesus the Very Thought of Thee.”  It’s one I memorized as a teenager, and have sung to my kids at bedtime, so I was excited to hear it mentioned in Melody's great Relief Society lesson.

Jesus, the very thought of thee
With sweetness fills my breast;
But sweeter far thy face to see
And in thy presence rest. …

President Hunter asked, “How often do we think of the Savior? How deeply and how gratefully and how adoringly do we reflect on his life? How central to our lives do we know him to be?
For example, how much of a normal day, a working week, or a fleeting month is devoted to “Jesus, the very thought of thee”? Perhaps for some of us, not enough.
Surely life would be more peaceful, surely marriages and families would be stronger, certainly neighborhoods and nations would be safer and kinder and more constructive if more of the gospel of Jesus Christ “with sweetness” could fill our breasts.”
As I thought about the words to that hymn, I was reminded of the Brother of Jared, who actually did see Jesus’ face because “he knew, nothing doubting”.

Jesus told him,
“Because thought knowest these things, ye are redeemed from the fall; ye are brought back into my presence; therefore I show myself unto you.”

Faith is so powerful!  The Brother of Jared was a great example of knowing how to use that faith to direct his life and bless his family.  Can you imagine how grateful they must have been for the bright stones that lit the barges, so that they wouldn’t have to cross the ocean in darkness?

“There is no end to His power to bless and direct the lives of those who seek truth and righteousness.”
 –Boyd K. Packer

I testify that your faith is a powerful tool, and I pray we can all find the courage to exercise it more often to bless our families.  May thoughts of the Savior fill your week, and may we have the courage to let our faith show!


Thursday, January 7, 2016


Dear Sisters,
Happy New Year!  I know I’m a little late, but I was kind of sick during the Holidays, so I’m a little behind and catching up.  Off to a great start, right?

At the risk of being a bit cliché, health has really been on my mind as I’ve been recovering and {of course} setting those New Year resolutions.  My thoughts have prompted a personal study of the Word of Wisdom, and how it came about.  It is actually really inspiring and I wanted to summarize just a bit of it for you.

History of the Word of Wisdom Recap:
As the early church was being established and missionaries were sent out, Joseph Smith was training the Elders in what was called “The School of the Prophets” – kind of like an “MTC”.  As the men would gather to be tutored by the prophet, they would each light up their pipes (as was customary at that time).  The smoke would get so thick that it was almost difficult to see Joseph.  Then when their pipes ran out, they chewed tobacco.  The job of cleaning the spittoon and scrubbing the stained floor fell to Emma Smith, and like any of us probably would have, she eventually went to Joseph and asked if anything could be done.  This inspired the prophet to turn to the Lord.  He was then blessed with an outpouring of Revelation, which is contained in the 89th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants.

My favorite part of this history is how the revelation was received.  Joseph Smith read the revelation to the Elders of the School of the Prophets, and in response, they immediately took their tobacco pipes and threw them in the fire.  Isn’t that wonderful?!!  I wish we were all so obedient!


This is what we, as the Lorin Farr 4th Ward Relief Society Presidency, prayerfully selected as our ward Relief Society’s Theme for 2016.  We desire each of us to gain that kind of faith and a testimony of a living prophets.  We believe we are approaching turbulent times.  There is no “gray area” or room for “fence-sitters”.  You will need to decide where you stand and whether or not you are willing to follow the living prophet.

“It is said that a fence-sitter eventually has to come down on one side or the other. If we are sitting on the top of life’s fences, now is the time to muster the courage to stand tall on the side of righteousness and shun the shackles of sin.”  -H. David Burton

The Word of Wisdom:

This modern-day scripture is a beautiful revelation containing God’s will for our temporal health followed by promises of blessings for obedience.

I love that it begins “not by command or constraint” but by “greeting” and “revelation”.  It isn’t given to restrict or control us.  It is given in confidence and trust.

In it, we are encouraged to avoid strong drink and tobacco.  We are told to use herbs and fruit with prudence and thanksgiving.  We are told that grains are for the use of man, to be “the staff of life.”  And also to use meat sparingly, with thanksgiving, adding that “It is pleasing to me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.”  

​We are told twice that grains and fruit (above and below ground) are “good for man”. 

We don’t hear that phrase too often in the scriptures, and I’m reminded of the expression we find in Genesis, after God looks over his creations and he “saw that is was good.”  These are things He has created FOR US, and He has told us, multiple times, that they are good.  I won’t get on a soap box here, but I do think it is interesting how often we are searching for the world to tell us what is “good” in the form of new fad “diets”, “miracle pills”, “self-help books”, “health plans”, or even “scientific research”, when we have already been given the answers by the one who truly does know.

Promised Blessings of the Word of Wisdom:

Let’s not forget the promises for obeying the Word of Wisdom.  I think it’s a pretty big deal, especially considering all the common health problems people face today.

They “shall receive health in their naval, and marrow in the bones, and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures, and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint”.

Oh, and in case you thought that wasn’t enough of a promise, how about “that the destroying angel shall pass by them.”  Hopefully that caught your attention. J


I will wrap this lengthy Word of Wisdom recap up with my simple testimony.

I know that this is pure revelation that came from a God who loves us and cares about even our temporal well-being.  I know as we follow this council faithfully, like the Elder’s who threw away their pipes, we will be amazed by the great blessings that come into our lives as a result of our faith to follow the prophet.  I know that as women of the church, we can be like Emma Smith, inspiring change and improvement, and encouraging and strengthening our families to seek truth.  I believe that you are that kind of woman.

Lydia Stewart

PS – I recently view this well-done documentary called “In Defense of Food.”  (You can actually watch it on PBS online right now if you click on that link.) I found it to be a very eye-opening resource concerning the history and evolution of food production and guidelines.  Let me make clear that I am not promoting it as “doctrine” but I do feel like it had some excellent tips and information that align nicely with the Word of Wisdom.