Dear Sisters,
I just love each of you. I hope you know it. I wish I had more time and ways to show you and to visit with each one of you individually.
I was reading in Helaman 10 about how Nephi “declared the word” to ALL the people. It says in verse 17, “And it came to pass that he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring the word of God, even until he had declared it unto all.” I felt a little overwhelmed and discouraged thinking, ‘How in the world did he do that?! How did he teach every single one of them?!’ And then I was comforted when I continued reading, “…or sent it forth among all the people.” He had church leaders and members help him spread his message of repentance.
Sisters, this reminded me of Visiting Teaching. I couldn't reach "all" the sisters without your help. It is an inspired tool that can be used to “send forth” the Lord’s message. I testify that those monthly messages found in the Ensign are prayed about and messages that our church leaders want us to share with all the sisters of the church. I hope I can count on you to “send forth” my love and concern for each individual sister, as well.
We are doing some Visiting Teaching up-dates, so be patient, but for now, please pass that along to the sisters on your list. What a comfort and blessing Visiting Teaching is to me! I’m so grateful for your efforts here! They don’t go unnoticed!
“By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answer our own.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Again, I hope you know and feel the love I have for you and that Heaven Father has for you. I am praying for you. I hope you have a wonderful week!