Sunday, January 22, 2017

Allegory of the Icy Driveway

Dear Sisters,
So… how about all this snow? J  It is actually all this white stuff that inspired my thoughts this week.

I recently had the “opportunity” to chip away at a driveway full of frozen packed ice and snow.  We have often had sweet neighbors take care of us, so I don’t want to dismiss their kindness, but they had plenty snow of their own to worry about.  Doug gets to plow snow at the temple whenever it comes down and I’m at work, so between the two of us, we don’t usually get to it very early.  We had both come home tired and quickly forgot about our driveway.  We left it for a day thinking the sun might melt it, but the frozen mess remained. 
Finally, after I nearly got stuck trying to pull into the driveway, I decided I had better address it.  As I chiseled away at the ice with a metal shovel so that my van could get through, I kept thinking, “I wish I would have just shoveled this when the snow was fresh.  It would have been so much easier!  Why didn’t we do that?!”  I found myself repeating this question several times throughout this tedious, labor intensive process.  I usually do my pondering during the menial tasks, when my mind wanders.  It was at this point that I recognized that there was a lesson to be learned here. 

While I chipped at the ice, I considered how it could represent our unrepentant sins, mistakes, or even grudges.  The longer we wait to address them, the more difficult the process of repentance can become.  It is hard work either way, but if we “frankly forgive” or “speedily repent” in the beginning when “the snow is soft,” then the heart might not have quite as much time to “freeze and harden.”  If you have something you need to repent of, don’t wait another day—get the shovel out and chip away at the ice.  Schedule an appointment with the bishop if it is something you need help addressing.

“When we sin, we turn away from God.  When we repent, we turn back toward God.  The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God.  It is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments.  Being disciples of Christ, we rejoice in the blessing of repenting and the joy of being forgiven.  They become part of us, shaping the way we think and feel.”  -Elder Neil L. Anderson

Although my hours of hard work on the ice were unpleasant, it was satisfying once it was complete.  I still had some rough patches here and there, but was happy to find that when the sun came out the next day, it was just warm enough to melt the remaining slush away, resulting in a clear driveway.  I felt that the sun could represent the Son of God’s atonement.  He heals without a scar.  He promises that if we forsake our sins, he will remember them no more.
 “Any pain entailed in repentance will always be far less than the suffering required to satisfy justice for unresolved transgression.  The Savior spoke little about what He endured to satisfy the demands of justice and atone for our sins, but He did make this revealing statement:
“For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup.” -Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Sisters, I testify that the Savior can heal you.  If there is something in your life that you know you need to change or fix, don’t put off clearing that driveway any longer—catch it while the snow is fresh.  And if it’s already frozen, it’s not too late… pull out your shovel and get to work. J You will not regret your efforts.

Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness.

I hope you have a wonderful week.  Stay warm.  Travel save.  And truly, good luck with your driveways. ;)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Have you noticed His hand in your life?

Dear Sisters,
I have just been thinking of the little ways the Lord shows us that He loves us and cares about us from day to day.   We had a little experience on Saturday that made me feel like he was truly aware of me.

My oldest is starting at a new school this week that requires a uniform.  We spent almost our entire Saturday searching seven different stores looking for uniform clothing with little or no success.  We were discouraged, and before we went into the last store, I suggested we say a little prayer.  We almost felt embarrassed to pray over something to temporal, but we're told to "pray over our flocks and fields," so I figured it was ok.  Unfortunately, again we were disappointed to come out empty-handed.  We returned home in a bit of frustration, and then minutes after our return, a sweet sister in our ward showed up with a huge bag full of uniform clothing her girls had grown out of that was just what we were looking for.  I know it maybe seems like a small coincidence, but I felt like the Lord really heard our prayers and blessed us with what we needed.  I was grateful for this sweet sister allowing herself to be an instrument in His hands.

Have you noticed his hand in your life today?  If you look, you will see how often he tries to show his love and concern for you.  I know he loves and cares about you.  I hope you feel it this week.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

"Always Remember Him: Pray in Faith"

Dear Sisters!
Happy New Year!  I have a good feeling about 2017.  I think it's going to be a good one.  
As a Presidency, we have decided our Lorin Farr 4th Relief Society Theme for this year will be: "Always Remember Him: Pray in Faith"

I hope in your goal setting this New Year, you consider putting Christ at the center. 

According to Elder Christofferson, we should begin by "...stripping everything out of our lives and then putting it back together in priority order with the Savior at the Center.  We should first put in place things that make it possible to always remember him. ... Once we make adequate time and means for these matters in centering our lives in Christ, we can begin to add other responsibility and things of value, such as education and family responsibilities.  In this way the essential will not be crowded out of our lives by the merely good, and things of lesser value will take a lower priory or fall away altogether."

This is my personal goal this year.  I think I have given far too much weight to "things of lesser value" on my priority list.  I'm looking forward to setting things straight and seeing the blessings that come into my life as I put Christ at the center.

"When we always remember the Savior, we can 'cheerfully do all things that lie in our power,' confident that His power and love for us will see us through."

I love that word "cheerfully" in there.  We need to be faithful and happy about doing the Lord's work.  The gospel really is the "good news."  It's something to celebrate!

 I'm so grateful for each of you beautiful sisters and the blessing you are in my life.  You are special and unique and I know that Lord loves you!  I hope you have a wonderful week!