Monday, May 29, 2017

A Sweet and Hallowed Memory

Dear Sisters,
Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you find a moment to reflect of your blessings and the good people in our life who have come and gone, especially those who have fought to preserve our freedoms.

I'm reminded of this beautiful hymn that seems appropriate today.

  1. 1. Each life that touches ours for good
    Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
    Thou sendest blessings from above
    Thru words and deeds of those who love.
  2. 2. What greater gift dost thou bestow,
    What greater goodness can we know
    Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
    Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
  3. 3. When such a friend from us departs,
    We hold forever in our hearts
    A sweet and hallowed memory,
    Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
  4. 4. For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
    Devotion to the Savior's name,
    Who bless our days with peace and love,
    We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.
Often the Lord shows me how much he cares about me through sweet friends like you sisters.  
I'm so grateful for how aware the Lord is of me and how much he does to show he cares.  I was feeling frustrated about my scripture study recently.  I read most mornings with my girls, but I haven't been doing much personal study, and I have honestly felt a little intimidated about where to begin and how to study.  I finally took my concerns to the Lord the other morning, and immediately, in my mind was a clear idea of where to begin.  I acted on it and have been so spiritually fed.  It seemed like such a small thing, but clearly it was important to the Lord.
This process is one I have experienced many times, so I'm not sure why it surprises me so much every time, but I always feel so grateful that the Lord takes time for me and cares about my struggles and concerns.  I know he hears me and cares about the details of my life.  That is why it is so important to pray.
I worry that sometimes we sisters forget how much we matter to him.  I hope that this week, you take a moment to ponder your worth and who you are as his daughter.  
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Consider this scripture in Luke 12, which suggests that if a sparrow wouldn't fall without him knowing, certainly you matter to him.  

​Please remember that!
I hope you have a wonderful week.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Draw All Men Unto Him

Dear Sisters,
Hope you are doing well!
In an effort to “Always Remember Christ” this year, I started reading the Book of Mormon with my daughters every morning before school.  Honestly, I’ve surprised myself with being able to get up consistently—mornings can sometimes be a struggle, and that extra half-hour of sleep seemed so tempting at first. :)  For me, starting a new routine or habit can seems a little daunting.  Although it’s still challenging sometimes, it’s made me realize how quickly we can make a positive change in our lives when we put our mind to it.  I tend to make a lot of excuses, but it really just takes a little extra will power. 
Yesterday, we read these beautiful verses that I would really like to memorize:
2 Nephi 26:23-24
For behold, my beloved brethren, I say unto you that the Lord God worketh not in darkness.
He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him.  Wherefore, he commanded none that they shall not partake of his salvation.
Isn’t that great?!  My girls and I talked about the visual image of a campfire or a bright light, and how you are drawn to it when you are walking in darkness.  
The Savior’s light is tremendous because of his infinite sacrifice, and our spirits are drawn to the light of Christ.  I also love the emphasis that the Lord doesn’t work in darkness—he wants things to be plain and clear to us.  Everything he does is FOR us.  That scripture can help make it easier to know whether or not something is good or bad.
So… this week’s challenges: Always Remember Him!  Pick a small positive goal and make it a habit.  Read your scriptures.  And of course, remember that “the Lord works in the light.”  May you seek and find some of that light this week.