Dear Sisters-
Are you staying cool? We have had quite a heat-wave, haven’t we?
It was worth going to church, if only just to be in that lovely air-conditioned building. :) But—that wasn’t the only good that came of it. The Garners gave excellent talks, and Sis. Herbert gave a wonderful lesson from Elder Relund’s recent talk “Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying.” My favorite quote was from Pres. Monson:
“One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.”8 Even if we’ve been a conscious, deliberate sinner or have repeatedly faced failure and disappointment, the moment we decide to try again, the Atonement of Christ can help us. And we need to remember that it is not the Holy Ghost that tells us we’re so far gone that we might as well give up.

This is a good reminder for us as we struggle through life. It is so comforting to be reminded that the Savior has descended below all.
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
I enjoyed a fun-filled camping trip with in-laws at Bear Lake this last week. I had an experience I wanted to share. My sister-in-law has not been active in the church for about ten years. She has just recently started coming again, and bringing her cute son with her. I shared a tent with my cute nephew, and we were telling stories before bedtime. I started to tell about “Nephi and the Broken Bow” from the book of Mormon, and I was delighted to hear this cute little boy finish my sentences and recount the whole story because he had gone to primary once with his mom, and he remembered the whole thing. His eyes lit up. He even told me he had seen a “real liahona” because his teacher had brought a compass to show the class.
This experience made me consider two things: First, that children remember Book of Mormon stories! Their little spirits recognize truth. Take every opportunity to share what you are reading with your children, grandchildren, or young friends. They will remember and return to it.

The second thing that struck me, is how important our service in the church is. His primary teacher likely doesn’t know what an impression she made on this little boy hungering for light and truth. She might even think that her role is rather insignificant. I wish I could tell her how grateful I was for her quiet preparation of that primary lesion—for making it engaging and memorable for a little boy who doesn’t come very often, and probably doesn’t sit very still. This little experience brightened my heart, and I wanted to share it with you.
Keep reading and studying the Book of Mormon sisters! I know it will strengthen your faith and change your life! Have such a wonderful week!
Lydia Stewart
PS—I know I am probably not the best at “waxing philosophical,” but I do try to be prayerful about what to share with you each week, and I have put my thought from past rs emails together on a blog, in case you missed any, or would like to look back and read. Here is a link if you are interested: Ponderings from a ProgressingPresident
I'm also thankful for second chances. Beautiful post.