Dear Sisters!
I hope you had a good Sunday. I am trying to make my Sundays more of a “delight” and I just picked a bowl of black berries, and I think I am there. J If you’re not feeling delighted with life, come over and have a couple of my blackberries, and they will fix that. I believe they will cure anything!

Actually, I want to talk about the real cure… the real reason we have hope. I love my Savior! He gives me hope.
"And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise." (Moroni 7:41)
This last week, my son, Seth, asked me a question that I’ve been pondering. After he had done something wrong and was feeling bad, he said, “Mommy, did Jesus ever make any mistakes?” It gave me a wonderful opportunity to talk about how perfect the Savior is. No—he never made a mistake, but he willingly paid for all our mistakes, conquered death, and made it possible for us to return to Heavenly Father.
What unbelievable love and compassion he must have for us, and what love, humility, and deep respect we should have for him. Part of that love and respect is shown by using the gift he offers us. When we repent, we show our gratitude and appreciation for his great sacrifice.

"The Savior wrought the Atonement, which provides a way for us to become clean. Jesus Christ is the resurrected Christ. We worship and recognize Him for the pain He suffered for us collectively and for the pain He endured for each of us individually, both in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. He bore all with great humility and with an eternal understanding of His divine role and purpose.

Those who will repent and forsake sin will find that His merciful arm is outstretched still. Those who listen to and heed His words and the words of His chosen servants will find peace and understanding even in the midst of great heartache and sorrow. The result of His sacrifice is to free us from the effects of sin, that all may have guilt erased and feel hope.” (Elder Packer)
As I visit with you sisters, I am truly amazed by the strength and faith that often, you don’t even realize you have. You overcome big obstacles and you press on, very much like our Pioneer ancestors as they endured their journey across the plains. I just want to remind you to turn to your Savior. Use his gift, and when you are down, remember there is ALWAYS HOPE! I want to quote our ward missionary, Elder Taylor, who is famous for saying, “The Atonement even covers that.” It’s true! It really does. Pour your heart out to the one who knows you best.
President Ellis’s words in sacrament meeting today rang true to me, that “there is no aspect of our lives that the atonement doesn’t affect or improve.”
Please remember there is always hope, because of the atonement.

Have a wonderful week! Happy Pioneer Day!

Have a wonderful week! Happy Pioneer Day!
The atonement is the Father's greatest gift to us, isn't it? This is such a good reminder.