I love the scriptures! One of my favorite stories is about Enos.
Perhaps it's because it give me hope as a parent, that maybe some of the things that I try to teach my children are sticking with them. :) For example:
"...the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart."
But I think the main reason is because Enos was such a great example of faith. After "crying mightily" in prayer, he was told that his sins were forgiven. When he asked how it was done, the Lord made it clear that it was, "...Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard nor seen. And many years pass away before he shall manifest himself in the flesh; wherefore, go to, thy faith hath made thee whole."

The scriptures are filled from cover to cover with examples of great faith. Reading about them is strengthening my faith in Christ. I hope you are doing the same. I loved the discussion today from Charlene's lesson about filling our homes with the "Music of the Gospel." It is a beautiful analogy that we can each apply to our lives.

"With God’s help, the day will come when the music of the gospel will fill your home with unspeakable joy."
Maybe you aren't enjoying all the blessings available through the gospel, and if that is the case, I would urge you to "keep practicing". Surround yourselves with good people and things that will build your faith. Kneel down as Enos did, and talk to the Lord. "God cannot lie" and he will provide opportunities for your faith to be strengthened. Put your faith in Christ.
Thank you for your faithful examples! Enjoy your week, and please visit your sisters-- see how their summer was and be a friend to them. They might just be praying for a friend like you.
I love how you always sing the songs of the heart everywhere you go, Lydia. I want to be more like Enos, and pray with full purpose of heart. Your words inspire me to do better. Thank you!