Dear Sisters,
I have been thinking a lot about the amazing 5th Sunday lesson given by our good bishopric. They taught us about ward and family councils. At first, that seemed like a bit of an odd topic. When it was mentioned in ward council, I even asked if that was in the church handbook. I have since been quite humbled as I have come across several talks on the subject. One of my favorites was a conference talk given by Elder Ballard. He urged leaders to “make wise used of committees and councils,” because when they do, “they move the work of the Lord forward much faster and farther.”
I am certain the same is true within our own homes. When we gather, and prayerfully discuss challenges and solutions as a family, there is more unity and the Lord can inspire and direct us, touching the hearts of our family.
As I have read the Book of Mormon this past week, I have been fascinated how often Lehi gathered his family and counseled with them, prophesying, warning, and directing them as they faced challenges.
Almost all of 2nd Ne. Chapter 1 is filled with his teachings to his family council. He taught and prophesied “according to the workings of the Spirit” which was in him, pleading with his children to “remember to observe the statutes and the judgments of the Lord; behold, this hath been the anxiety of my soul from the beginning."
Elder Ballard told us that:
“This is the miracle of Church councils: listening to each other and listening to the Spirit! When we support one another in Church councils, we begin to understand how God can take ordinary men and women and make of them extraordinary leaders. The best leaders are not those who work themselves to death trying to do everything single-handedly; the best leaders are those who follow God’s plan and counsel with their councils."
This was a quote I needed to hear. I am working on being a better leader and using my council more effectively… so as not to work myself to death. ;) We are also trying to follow this direction in our own home. I’m trying to listen more—I tend to like to do the talking. (Shocking, I know.) J It’s a work in progress, but I can already feel blessings come into our home as we try to follow the prophet and the counsel of our bishopric.
Hope you have a wonderful week and take a moment to prayerfully counsel with your families.
Thanks for this good message, Lydia. I have always felt like everyone's input was essential, but still I have (in moments of confusion or weakness) relied on my own understanding - and figured "I" could take care of something WITHOUT involving others. I can see how that is not the Lord's plan.