Sunday, August 28, 2016

"Preserving Testimonies and Storing Faith"

Dear Sisters,

I recently visited with a sister in our ward.  She had some left-over roast from dinner, and was cutting it up and putting it in freezer packs for future meals.  Another sister showed me her garden and some of the canning she had done with her produce.  And one sister, facing some potential health difficulties in her family, assured me that she had planned and prepared some meals ahead so that she would be ready.

I was impressed by the example these sisters set of being self-reliant.  They may not have thought too much of their actions, but they were following the council of our church leaders to be “self-reliant”.

The purpose of becoming spiritually and temporally self-reliant is to become better able to serve the Lord and care for others (see John 15:8). The Savior invites us all to act, to stand independent, and to become as He is. He will help us. He has promised: “It is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. But it must needs be done in mine own way” (D&C 104:15–16). His way includes learning and living the principles of self-reliance—“the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the necessities of life for self and family” (Providing in the Lord’s Way: Summary of a Leader’s Guide to Welfare [2009]).

With fall and “harvest” fast approaching, as you fill your cupboards and jars, make sure you are also “preserving” your testimony and “storing-up” lots of faith. That is the very best kind of "food-storage"! :) 

"Remember, no one can reach upward on your behalf. Only your faith and prayers will cause you to lift yourself and have the mighty change of heart. Only your resolve to be obedient can change your life. Because of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice for you, the power is in you.17 You have your agency, you have strong testimonies if you are obedient, and you can follow the Spirit that guides you."
(Elder Robert D. Hales)

I’m proud of your efforts to be spiritually and temporally self-reliant.  Keep up the good work!


1 comment:

  1. Elder Hales' quote was quite surprising to me. Certainly, we can PRAY that others will reach upward, but I guess it is true that only like the individual person can actually make the choice to repent or move forward. Like Alma the younger.... His Father prayed for him, but it was Alma's choice to repent. *I do wish I could see the visuals! What is wrong with all of my devices? Love your message anyway!
