Sunday, April 26, 2015

On the Lord's Errand

Dear Relief Society Sisters--
Can you believe all this wonderful rain?!  What a blessing for our beautiful valley.  Isn't it a direct answer to our fasting and prayers last month?  Don't forget to fast in gratitude for the moisture received this coming Sunday.  Bishop has also asked that we fast for strengthening our ward family with strong families moving in and ward member being willing to be leaders.  Sis. Herbert taught a great lesson on fasting from Elder Eyring's talk, "Is Not this the Fast that I have Chosen?" where we were encouraged to let the principle of fasting be planted in our hearts, and increase our fast offerings.  He said,
"Your fast offering will do more than help feed and clothe bodies. It will heal and change hearts."

I came across this quote by Pres. Monson that I wanted to share:
Amid the storms of life, danger lurks. Men and women, boys and girls find themselves stranded and facing destruction. Who will guide the lifeboats, leaving behind the comforts of home and family, and go to the rescue?
Our task is not insurmountable. We are on the Lord’s errand; we are entitled to His help.” 
Sisters, I testify that you are on the Lord's errand as you visit teach, and I know he will help you become powerful visiting teachers if that is what you desire to become.  Thank you for your efforts.  I know it is not all about the numbers, but I was delighted to find that we more than doubled our efforts last month.  You are wonderful!  Keep it up!  I just love you!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

We Will Have Joy

Dear Sisters-
Happy Spring!  Isn't it wonderful seeing everything coming to life again!  It is always such a beautiful reminder to me of our Savior's resurrection.  I just watched this beautifully powerful testimony of Jesus Christ.  It is only a minute and worth watching.

Yay for Visiting Teaching!!!  We have been working hard to get new assignments {opportunities} out to you, and just feel so grateful for your willingness to serve, care, and participate.  Thank you so much!  (And it is not too late to let me know if you would like an assignment or if you would like visiting teachers.)

With Visiting Teaching in mind, I wanted to share this quote I came across in Daughters in My Kingdom, by Louise Y. Robinson, Seventh General RS President:

“If we only half do our work we will have no pleasure, if we do it from a sense of duty we will have no joy, but if we feel we are a branch of this vine, and that our Father in Heaven has felt us to be worthy to be a member of that branch, and that we can carry this work when it is here to do, then we will have joy.”

Sisters-- you are a much needed "branch of this vine" and my hope is that we will wholeheartedly serve and then receive the joy that comes afterwords.
Thank you again for all you do!  We truly love you and pray for you!


Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Parable of the Sower

My Dearest Sisters of the Lorin Farr 4th Ward--
Happy Sabbath!  I hope you’ve had a lovely, restful Spring day.
Were you able to watch General Conference?  Wasn’t it so up-lifting!  And it isn’t too late to tune in:
Each one of you were particularly on my mind as I watched and listened, and one talk really stuck out in my mind.  Elder Oaks talked about “The Parable of the Sower”:

Wasn’t it a great reminder for us to re-evaluate where we are with the gospel?  It is put so simply, I was even able to use it for our Family Night lesson this last Monday, so you are fortunate enough to also have some illustrations by my very own wee ones. J
 Inline image 1

This parable is found in St. Mark 4:3-8 (
 Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow:
 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.
 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:
 But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.
 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.
 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.

In just a few short verses, we are warned of circumstances and attitudes that can keep us from receiving the “seed of the gospel” to “bring forth a goodly harvest.”  If my 3 year old can get it, you can understand, too. :)

Take a moment with me, to examine where your seed of the gospel word has ended up. 
  •  Has it fallen by the way-side? (unprepared, hard-hearted)
  • Is it on stony ground to be scorched by the sun? (merely converted to the many attractive characteristics of the Church and not the foundational doctrines, for example the social aspects.)
  • Choked by thorns? (materialism, false doctrines, worldly pleasures, fear)
  • Or has it been carefully planted in good ground? (praying, scripture reading, serving, and regularly partaking of the sacrament to always have His Spirit to be with us)
Sisters, I love and care deeply about each of you. Your troubles give me cold sores and keep me up at night. J (I wish I were kidding.)  I want great happiness and success for each of you, and I testify that this will happen as you allow your testimony to grow deep roots in good gospel ground!  Be active!  Participate!  We need you, and we LOVE you!
PS. I am making some major visiting teaching changes, and have talked to many of you, but if I haven’t talked to you yet, PLEASE contact me ASAP if you would be willing to participate in Visiting Teaching, and you will make my day and help cure my cold sores. J

Saturday, April 4, 2015

We Believe

Dear Relief Society Sisters-
Just wanted to encourage you sisters to tune into General Conference today and tomorrow.    As you listen, consider the people of King Benjamin, who after hearing their leader's words, they "cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.
I have been praying for each of you, and hope that you will find the answers you are seeking as you listen to the messages of our good leaders and living prophet.  May we also "cry with one voice" and be united as sisters through our Savior, Jesus Christ.  What a special time to ponder on His life and ministry!
Happy Easter!