Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sent Forth Among ALL the People

Dear Sisters,
I just love each of you.  I hope you know it.  I wish I had more time and ways to show you and to visit with each one of you individually. 
I was reading in Helaman 10 about how Nephi “declared the word” to ALL the people.  It says in verse 17, “And it came to pass that he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring the word of God, even until he had declared it unto all.”  I felt a little overwhelmed and discouraged thinking, ‘How in the world did he do that?!  How did he teach every single one of them?!’  And then I was comforted when I continued reading, “…or sent it forth among all the people.”  He had church leaders and members help him spread his message of repentance.

Sisters, this reminded me of Visiting Teaching.  I couldn't reach "all" the sisters without your help.  It is an inspired tool that can be used to “send forth” the Lord’s message.  I testify that those monthly messages found in the Ensign are prayed about and messages that our church leaders want us to share with all the sisters of the church.  I hope I can count on you to “send forth” my love and concern for each individual sister, as well.  

We are doing some Visiting Teaching up-dates, so be patient, but for now, please pass that along to the sisters on your list.  What a comfort and blessing Visiting Teaching is to me!  I’m so grateful for your efforts here!  They don’t go unnoticed!

“By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answer our own.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Again, I hope you know and feel the love I have for you and that Heaven Father has for you.  I am praying for you.  I hope you have a wonderful week!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings"

Dear Sisters,

I just had a quick thought for you today. It is almost more for your husband or the priesthood men of our ward, but maybe you can pass it a long. :)

I just want to share my testimony of the importance of family councils. One form a council can take is a personal interview. My sweet hubby recently started interviewing our children once a week. He pulls the kids into his office one at a time and talks with them. Sometimes afterwords, he has approached me with things like, "Brigham is worried he doesn't have enough clothes." Or "Amberlee is having a hard time in her math class." At first, I was almost irritated that they confided in him so much. I talk to my kids regularly and I like to think I am pretty involved in their lives, but I was amazed to see how much they open up to him. The brethren have a special ability to connect with and be powerful examples to their children. I feel grateful for Doug's example and willingness to be a great father. I think it is making a difference in our home.

You may find yourself in a different circumstances, but this council from Elder Ballard can still apply to your family:

"A family council, when conducted with love and with Christlike attributes, will counter the impact of modern technology that often distracts us from spending quality time with each other and also tends to bring evil right into our homes.

Children desperately need parents willing to listen to them, and the family council can provide a time during which family members can learn to understand and love one another.

Alma taught, “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good.” Inviting the Lord to be part of our family council through prayer will improve our relationships with each other. We can, with Heavenly Father and our Savior’s help, become more patient, thoughtful, helpful, forgiving, and understanding as we pray for help. With Their help, we can make our homes a little bit of heaven here on earth."

I encourage you to council in your families or council with the Lord, whatever your circumstances. No matter your age or stage, especially take time to connect with your children. Have a little personal interview with them and increase the communication within your home. I testify you will find opportunities to teach and grow as you do.

I hope you have a fabulous week!


"We Need Never Feel Lost or Alone"

Dear Sisters,
Wasn't General Conference beautiful?!  I always feel like maybe they had a special meeting before, and said something like, "There is this Lydia Stewart lady who lives in Ogden and could use some help on these topics.  Lets each address her needs.  Ok, ready, break..." :)  I needed all the great talks and there were several that I felt were specifically for me, so thanks for patiently sitting through them. ;)  If you missed Conference, you can still tune in on and rewatch or listen, and we will look forward to getting the next Ensign!

I noticed several of the talks mention prayer.  This is something I am personally going to focus on improving.  My Heavenly Father has been so patient with me and my half-hearted efforts lately, with a busy schedule.  He still does his best to inspire and direct me, but I know I have potential to be so much more in-tune if I would put more time and effort into speaking with my Father in Heaven.

"Prayer is a gift from God.  We need never feel lost or alone.  I testify that every moment of prayer can be holy time spent with the Father, in the name of the Son, by the Holy Ghost."
-Carol McConkie

I would encourage each of you to select a talk that resonated with you, and set a simple goal to improve on that principle.  We are so fortunate to be able to hear inspired leaders.  I think our Father in Heaven loves us very much.  I certainly sense His love for each of you!  I hope you feel it throughout this coming week!
