Sunday, June 25, 2017

Purified Until They Are Cleansed

Dear Sisters,
I hope your summer has been wonderful!  Hope you are enjoyed the sunshine and some of those summer projects.  I was working on a project last week that involved some spray paint.  I foolishly left the can of spray paint out while I stepped away for a minute.  (I should have known better!)  Of course, my son Brigham got curious, and began experimenting with the spray can.  I came back to a couple of blue spots sprayed onto our concrete.  I was not happy with him.  I didn’t yell, but I very firmly told him he needed to get the scrub brush and start working it out of the concrete.  He sat there pathetically crying and scrubbing, while I declared in frustration that “every time you see this spot, it will remind you of the naughty thing you did, so you won’t ever do that again!”  

It was fitting that in my scripture study the next morning, I came across the scripture in Isaiah 1:18,
Come now, and let us reason together saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Through the companionship of the Holy Ghost, I could see the opportunity for a teaching moment.  I later talked to Brigham about that scripture and told him that as a parent, I’m commanded to teach my children about repentance and how to stay clean.  We looked at the spot together, and although he and I scrubbed as hard as we could, even though the paint was fresh, we couldn’t quite get all of it out.  It would have been even harder if the paint had had time to dry.  I told him that when we make a mistake, it is good to recognize it quickly, and try to do everything we can to make it right, but it is only through the atonement that the “spot” can be completely removed.
What a blessing that promise it.  We all make mistakes.  Isn’t it wonderful to know that through our loving Savior, our garments can become spotless through his atoning sacrifice?  We can become clean completely, as we apply the atonement. 
There can no man be saved except his garments are washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers, who should come to redeem his people from their sins. (Alma 5:21)

I’m so thankful for my Savior and his sacrifice.  I hope we all take advantage of that precious gift.  If you have a “spot” you haven’t quite taken care of, remember that he can help you.
Have a lovely week!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

An Influence for Good

Dear Sisters,
I sat in sacrament meeting today, and couldn't help but notice a cute little girl in front of me watching her mother closely.  As her mother crossed her legs, so did she.  As her mother ran her fingers through her hair, so did she.  As her mother took the sacrament, so did she.  It made me smile.  Then I noticed a little later a young boy watching his Grandma.  His eyes were full of love and admiration, and he gently rested his head on her shoulder.  These two images touched me.  This quote from Elder Uchtdorf came to mind:

"I hope that my dear sisters throughout the world—grandmothers, mothers, aunts, and friends—never underestimate the power of their influence for good, especially in the lives of our precious children and youth!"

President Heber J. Grant (1856–1945) said, “Without the devotion and absolute testimony of the living God in the hearts of our mothers, this Church would die.”  And the writer of Proverbs said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled the women of the Church:
“It is so tremendously important that the women of the Church stand strong and immovable for that which is correct and proper under the plan of the Lord. …
“We call upon the women of the Church to stand together for righteousness. They must begin in their own homes. They can teach it in their classes. They can voice it in their communities.” 2
Never under estimate the power of your influence!  Your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and friends are watching you.  Be an influence for good.  Be an example of the believers.  Be a source of light and truth for them.  Don't be afraid to share your testimony with them.  They are watching you, and need your example of faith.
Find someone you can influence for good this week!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Stay on the Path

Hello Dear Sisters!
Isn’t summer wonderful!  I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and making happy family memories.
Speaking of memories, I can remember a summer as a young teenage girl when I got to spend a week with my grandparents in Salt Lake City.  It was really fun for me to have that one on one time.  I had just gotten my license and my Grandpa let me drive while he took me home to Idaho.  I think I was reminded of this drive, because Doug and I just made it as we dropped our kids off for a few days with Grandparents.  One part of that drive with Grandpa really stuck with me.  I can remember we had just made it over the Malad pass and could see the valley below, but in the far distance, we could see a billowing cloud and a wall of gray.  
​We continued on our course, singing silly songs and talking together, but we noticed the wall getting closer and closer.  It was confusing because it was such a lovely, sunny day, and everything seemed fine.  As we got a little closer we could see it was a very thick wall of rain.  As a new driver, I was a little nervous.  My wise Grandpa suggested that I pull off to the side of the highway.  I did so just in time.  The wall hit with intense force.  Hail, wind, and rain pounded the car and impaired the view.  The intense storm blew over pretty quickly, and it was almost surreal the way it returned to a lovely sunny day again.  I’m not sure what would have happened if I hadn’t heeded my Grandpa’s wise council to pull over.  I think it would have been very easy to lose control of the car and drive off the road.
We have a wise prophet that has a very clear view of what lies ahead.  He is experienced and in-tune, and he and his apostles issue warnings and give wise council regularly.  If we are not careful to heed this council, our view may become impaired and we could very easily drive of the path.

I would encourage all of us to listen to and obey our prophet’s council.  He recently asked us to read the scriptures every day.  Here are his words:

This morning I speak about the power of the Book of Mormon and the critical need we have as members of this Church to study, ponder, and apply its teachings in our lives. The importance of having a firm and sure testimony of the Book of Mormon cannot be overstated.
We live in a time of great trouble and wickedness. What will protect us from the sin and evil so prevalent in the world today? I maintain that a strong testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of His gospel will help see us through to safety. If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so. If you will read it prayerfully and with a sincere desire to know the truth, the Holy Ghost will manifest its truth to you. If it is true—and I solemnly testify that it is—then Joseph Smith was a prophet who saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Isn’t that perfect council?  It’s simple, but so important.  Read your scriptures every day and follow the prophet!
I hope you have a lovely week!  Stay on the path.