Sunday, December 20, 2015

Be a Little Kinder

Dear Sisters,

What a spiritual feast we had today, with beautiful music and the outstanding talks and lessons on Christ!  I was grateful to be there.  Thank you to those who participated and made it a special experience for me.  Because of you, my thoughts were turned to our Savior, as they should be this time of year.

My favorite quote from the beautiful lesson on living a Christ-centered life was:

The best measure of true greatness is how Christlike we are.”

It was pointed out how different the world’s standard of “greatness” can be, but as we are kind and forgiving, like our Savior, we will feel true joy.

“We must learn this simple, glorious truth so that we can experience the sweet joys of the spirit now and eternally.  We must lose ourselves in doing his will.  We must place him first in our lives.” (Pres. Benson)

What a wonderful time of year to put Christ as the center and remember to be a little kinder during the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season.  Some of the sisters mentioned how good it felt to let someone move ahead of them in the shopping line, or in traffic.  I loved the reminder that the simple acts of kindness can remind people that there is still good in the world and help to “restore humanity.”

“We can all be a little kinder, a little more generous, a little more thoughtful of one another.  We can be a little more tolerant and friendly to those not of our faith, going out of our way to show our respect for them.  We cannot afford to be arrogant or self-righteous.  It is our obligation to reach out in helpfulness, not only to our own but to all others as well.” (Pres. Hinckley)

Kindness is contagious!  I hope you will all spread some Holiday Cheer by emulating our Savior in your actions this season.  Merry Christmas!  I pray you will all be warm, happy, and bright this Holiday. Please make me aware of any needs-- you are so often my eyes and ears. I love you!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

He is Mighty to Save

Dear Sisters,

I hope all of you were able to attend our Stake Conference today.  What a special meeting.  I’m sure we all feel deep gratitude for President Ellis and the time and sacrifice he put into his service.  I am very excited for President Tuck to lead and teach us.  I’m sure he will be just what our Stake needs.

I enjoyed hearing many of your experiences with the Book of Mormon Saturday morning at the Christmas Breakfast.  Your testimonies strengthened mine.  I know that we can always turn to the scriptures for answers and comfort.  It is a wonderful source of truth and guidance.  

I appreciate all those who accepted the challenge to try to read the scriptures every day, and try finish the Book of Mormon by Christmas.  Even my nine year old Autumn took on the challenge, and I think she will finish before me.  She says it is her favorite book now.  I have had to tell her to “Stop reading the Book of Mormon and come to dinner,” or “go to bed.” A couple times… words I never thought I would say. :)  I testify that great blessings come from reading the Book of Mormon.  Pres. Hinckley promised that as we read the Book of Mormon,

“There will come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God”

I hope you will continue your pattern of scripture reading into the new year, or use it as an opportunity to start fresh and make it a habit.
I recently read the wonderful section when Samuel prophesies of Christ’s birth, and tells the people of the signs to watch for. 

Many of the people don’t believe, and even try to kill Samuel, but some listened and believed and seek for the prophet because they wanted to repent and be baptized.  Those believers watched and waited for a long time.  The unbelievers mocked them and said it was past time.  They set a date for the signs to appear and threatened that if they had not come by that time, the believers would be put to death.  How frightening that must have been.  Those people must have had great faith.  The prophet prayed that Christ would come, and just as Samuel had prophesied, the signs appeared, and there were three days of light.  The unbelievers were amazed and left the believers alone.

It occurred to me, as I was reading, that Christ was a “Savior” as soon as he came to earth.  He may have been only an infant, but his humble birth saved the lives of all those who believed and looked for the signs of his coming.  He truly is good at “saving”.  I am so grateful for his ability to rescue us.

 Alma 34:18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is might to save."

Turn to Him, and He will help you through any trial.  I know He loves you!


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit"

Dear Sweet Sisters,
Is it just me, or does everything seem to speed up this time of year?  I would very much like to pause, and catch up with everything, but instead, I'll have to keep jogging along and try to take an occasional moment to be still and enjoy the journey. :)

It was so fun gathering with so many of you sisters in a circle for our lesson on Sunday.  It was especially neat to have the Primary and Young Women Leaders with us.  What a beautiful sight you all made!  It did my heart good to see each of you.  Thank you for your strength and support!
We talked about times we have felt the Lord's hand in our lives through service.  There where some very tender sweet experiences shared.  Thank you!  As I mentioned, there have been countless moments when you sisters have lifted and loved me through your thoughtful service.  I have certainly felt God's love through you.

I want to mention a little thought I came across in my scripture study this week.  I am almost finished with the Book of Mormon.  I recently read where there have been fires, floods, and earthquakes, and Christ is speaking to the people in the darkness just before he appears.  He tells them the sacrifices and burnt offerings should be done away because he has fulfilled the law, and he says, "And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost." (3 Ne. 9:20)

The word "contrite" stuck out to me, mostly because I didn't know exactly what it meant, so I looked it up. It means feeling or expressing remorse; basically to be sorry.  But what fascinated me more was the Latin root-word translation of "conterere" with means "grind down/wear away".  What an image that created in my mind of my heart and spirit starting out rough and imperfect, but over time, through trial and opposition, the roughness and the imperfections are worn off, creating a smooth, polished, humble and more perfect offering for the Lord.  In return, we are blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, who helps us endure that opposition.

"We must also have the bitter in order to know the sweet. Sometimes some of us think we have the bitter and not enough of the sweet. This is normal. We all have our trials of life to strengthen us. Each thinks he has the hardest or most severe trials. It may be that they are the most difficult only because they are the hardest or most difficult for you. The diamond is enhanced and made more valuable with polishing. Steel is made harder and more valuable through tempering. So also opposition builds the character of man." (Eldred G. Smith)

We would do well to remember that opposition is an "heritage of the saints of God."
President Wilford Woodruff said: 
"If we had no trials we should hardly feel at home in the other world in the company of the Prophets and Apostles who were sawn asunder, crucified, etc., for the word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ.
It is impossible … for the Saints of God to inherit a celestial kingdom without their being tried as to whether they will abide in the covenants of the Lord or not."
I'm going to try to remember that even the hard times are a blessing.  Hope you have a wonderful week and find some happy holiday joy!!!  See you at the Relief Society Breakfast this Saturday at 9am!!!