Monday, September 18, 2017

Be A Little Kinder

Dear Sisters,
My sweet husband just told me a cute story about when he was a young boy.  His neighbors were having a company remove a tree stump from their yard.  The company's truck was partially in his family's driveway, and at one point, their truck spun out and did some damage to the driveway.  Doug was frustrated with them, thinking how foolish they had been, but he watched his Dad quietly go outside, and instead of getting justifiably upset, he kindly asked how he could help.  His simple attitude of kindness completely transformed the situation for the embarrassed, apologetic driver, and left quite an impact of the observing son.
His story was a good reminder to me to react with kindness.  We are often met with challenging situations that can test our patience and faith, but I believe things will always improve as we respond with loving kindness.
"Now, brothers and sisters, let us return to our homes with resolution in our hearts to do a little better than we've one in the past. We can all be a little kinder, a little more generous, a little more thoughtful of one another. We can be a little more tolerant and friendly to those not of our faith, going out of our way to show our respect for them. We cannot afford to be arrogant or self-righteous. It is our obligation to reach out in helpfulness, not only to our own but to all others as well.
May God help us to be a little kinder, showing forth greater forbearance, to be more forgiving, more willing to walk the second mile, to reach down and lift up those who may have sinned but have brought forth the fruits of repentance, to lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more." (President Hinckley)
This week, as you are met with a challenge, approach it in the patient way our Savior would.

Matthew 5:44-45
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven
I sure love you sisters!  I'm grateful to rub shoulders with such great woman.  I hope you have a wonderful week!

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